Our AppleTV Get Back Up app is currently available in the AppleTV app store. To Access go to the app store and search for Get Back Up TV. Once the app is downloaded you will have access to the free content. If you would like to access your Get Back Up TV account, premium content and livestreams you have purchased, you will need to login.
Purchases of premium content or livestreams cannot be made inside the app. You must go to the web version of the platform at https://tv.blueoctober.com/ to make all purchases. You then may view those purchases through AppleTV.
You may use Apple's Airplay to cast your GBU content from your Airplay compatible device to your AppleTV.
- make sure your AppleTV is turned on
- make sure your Airplay compatible device and your AppleTV are both logged onto the same WIFI network
- Using either your browser or our Get Back Up TV iOS app, open the video or livestream you wish to view. Click on the Airplay icon
- In the pop-up that appears, select teh desired AppleTV device and the video should begin playing. You may need to click Pause and then Play once the video has transferred from your mobile device screen to the AppleTV screen.